Wreck diving in Bali

Wreck diving is one of the most popular forms of diving. Vessels stranded on the seabed conjure up images of raging seas, dramatic events and hidden treasures. It’s not for nothing that the Liberty wreck off the coast of Tulamben on the east coast of Bali attracts experienced and novice divers from around the world. The marine life around the wreck is extraordinary.

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Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia

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Wreck diving in TulambenWreck diving in Tulamben

Titanic – with sun and fish

A relic from the Second World War, Liberty has rested on the seabed for 50 years. The ship was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine in 1942 and subsequently beached at Tulamben. A volcanic eruption in 1963 tipped Liberty onto her side and dragged her out to sea. Not all parts of the wreck are safe to enter because it is not completely intact. However, in many parts of the interior you’ll feel like you’re really swimming inside a ship. The underwater rooms conjure up images from the movie Titanic, except that the furnishings have all been lost here unfortunately.

A school of bigeye trevalliesA school of bigeye trevallies

Swimming with bigeye trevallies

The black volcanic soil, sunlight and clear waters around Bali ensure some 25 metres of visibility underwater. Unless you swim into a school of bigeye trevallies moving like a whirlwind around the wreck – all you will see is a cloud of silvery fish. Bigeye trevallies are accustomed to divers so if you quietly approach the school from below they will continue swimming undisturbed. It’s an exceptional feeling, like being part of the school for a moment!

Spotting turtlesSpotting turtles

Diving with a guide

You can’t help but notice that life in Tulamben revolves around diving. There are diving schools all along the coast, where you can rent equipment and go on a diving excursion. While the Liberty wreck is easily accessible, beginning divers might appreciate it more by going with a guide. Guides know the wreck inside and out and can show you the best spots. Perhaps you will even encounter barracudas, large sea bass and turtles.


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